Crafts of Ireland, ireland, Irish Grown Linen, Irish Knitting Tour, Mallon Linen, momcations, Roscommon wool, self care, Spinning, Sheep Breeds, textiles, travel, watched wool breeds, Wool Breeds

Friends Old and New; Cavan and Comber

Long before planning my 44Clovers Dyeing to Knit Ireland Tour, I was planning my Irish Birthday Trip. And it included sourcing Irish wool of course! I found Sandra Coote of Crafts of Ireland2 online and saw that she raises Roscommon sheep- a thought to be extinct wool breed. After shooting off a very excited email,… Continue reading Friends Old and New; Cavan and Comber

artwork, Fanore, Ireland, gregan’s castle hotel, ireland, maine spinner, momcations, mothering littles, new england spinner, online store, web building, independence, self care, Sketch book, textiles, the burren, travel, Wool Breeds

Delayed Shipping

But just for a little while. Any orders placed now until May 24th will be sent May 25th. I’ll be away from my Peaks Island studio as I spend time in Ireland doing some drawing, painting, and eating amazing foods with my mom 🤗🍀 Slán for now!

Fanore, Ireland, hats, ireland, momcations, natural dyeing, self care, Spinning, Sheep Breeds, textiles, the burren, travel

My Shamrock Hat; tam o’sham designed by karendipity

Downton Abbey is what I watched all through the clicking of this yarn that became a hat. I didn’t mean for it to go that way, but it worked. I liked imaging it would be something that Daisy would wear while heading to her farm for the day. I didn’t make a swatch for the… Continue reading My Shamrock Hat; tam o’sham designed by karendipity

ireland, lichen dyeing, momcations, mushroom dyes,, natural dyeing, self care, textiles, the burren, travel, wild madder root

Dyeing on the Road

Last October I took a solo trip to Ireland. These solo trips give me life. I had a very simple agenda; visit best friend, stay in favorite hotel, walk the fields and do dye experiments. I had yarn and salvaged silks prepped with alum before hand and a few basic tools like wooden dowels for… Continue reading Dyeing on the Road

gregan’s castle hotel, ireland, momcations, self care, the burren, travel

Just a Slice; a walk around Gregan’s

One of my favorite things these days is taking very slow walks through the woods and trying to notice everything. This evolved over time as I’ve been working on developing my mushroom hunter’s eye. Now I spy tiny lost feathers poking up from leaves, a mushroom about to burst through, and the elusive Lobaria lichens… Continue reading Just a Slice; a walk around Gregan’s

Fanore, Ireland, guided burren walks, ireland, momcations, rare wool breeds, self care, the burren, travel, watched wool breeds

Up the Burren; youhereforthewalkareya?

In other words, opposed to one word; “you’re here for the walk, are ya?” Say it really fast. This is how I was greeted by our guide, Shane. My ear was still adjusting to the Clare accent apparently. I loved, loved, LOVED this walk!!!! With each experience in the Burren over the last 20 odd… Continue reading Up the Burren; youhereforthewalkareya?

artwork, Mexican textiles, mexico, momcations, mother creative, mothering littles, natural dyeing, Oaxaca, self care, Spinning, Sheep Breeds, travel, Zapotec

Home Coming

I knew this would be the sweetest feeling. To see my babies, hold them & smell them & notice how they'd changed in 2 weeks. I decided while I was away, 2 weeks was too long. And painful. But seriously, mom's need an f-ing break. A break from making decisions, care taking, and putting herself… Continue reading Home Coming

back strap weaving, Mexican textiles, mexico, momcations, mother creative, Oaxaca, travel, Zapotec

One last adventure: day 13

Just one more back strap weaving community. A famous wood carver. And the largest tree in the world. This is what our last full day was filled with. And speed bumps. All of the speed bumps. I'm not going to lie. By this day, I was exhausted. In so many ways. I missed my family… Continue reading One last adventure: day 13

Mexican Markets, mexican plant dyes, Mexican textiles, mexico, momcations, mother creative, natural dyeing, Oaxaca, oaxaca city, street food, travel, Zapotec

Oaxaca City : day 12

Wandering in unknown places on my own or with just the right companion is one of my favorite things. Sam and I ventured out on the bus on our own into the city and thank goodness her Spanish is much better than mine. Exploring the market in the middle of the city was so gratifying.… Continue reading Oaxaca City : day 12

lichen dyeing, Mexican Markets, mexican plant dyes, Mexican textiles, mexico, momcations, mother creative, natural dyeing, Oaxaca, rug making, Spinning, Sheep Breeds, street food, travel, Zapotec, zapotec cuisine

Market Day and Finishing My Rug : Day 11

One more time at the market. One last day to finish this rug. One more ride through the village. My mom used to say I was burning my candle at both ends. Well, I do thrive to feel that fire coming from all directions. My rug just after it being cut off the loom. I… Continue reading Market Day and Finishing My Rug : Day 11